Brittany tagged me so here I go...
8 Shows I like (we only have 6 channels and I don't watch them)
1. Ok, I occasionally turn on the Today show in the morning
2. What about movies? How about Ocean's 11
3. Ocean's 12
4. Ocean's 13
5. Teen Witch (anyone seen that one from the 80's?)
6. Elf
7. Dan in Real Life
8. Oh, I did used to love Alias when it was on
8 things that happened today ( it's only 10 am)
1. I exercised with Tucker
2. I wrote a blog post about 8 things
3. I bathed my 3 girls (still haven't done their hair)
4. I packaged up 4 things I sold on Ebay
5. We did our Christmas traits of Christ chain ( we are working on sharing with others today)
6. I made sack lunches for my kids
7. I have wiped Zoe's nose about 10 times
8. I played Wedgits with my girls
8 Places I like to eat
1. Brick 29
2. Fudruckers
3. Yogees!!!!!!!!!!
4. Taco Time
5. Mona Lisa
6. Lock Stock & Barrel
7. PF Changs
8. Mai Thai
8 things I am looking forward to
1. Increased peace in our home ( I read a fantastic promise from Marion G. Romney that if we will read from the Book of Mormon everyday personally and as a family "the spirit of reverence will increase, mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow, and the spirit of contention will depart. Righteousness will increase and Faith, hope and charity will abound in our homes and lives". So we have made a goal of reading from the Book of Mormon everyday!!
2. Teaching my children the TRUE meaning of Christmas
3. Family skiing and togetherness this winter
4. SUMMER!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to wake surf again
5. Completing a Triathlon
6. Seeing my children marry an eternal companion that treats them wonderfully
7. Getting out of the diaper phase
8. Backcountry snowboarding with my husband
8 things on my wish list
1. a big bonus room for Hannah to do all her gymnastics in (we are tired of being kicked in the face)
2. I want to become a personal trainer in the near future
3. seeing my children marry in the temple
4. establishing a house of order
5. getting to the temple more often
6. going back to Hawaii (every winter would be nice) sorry Jed, had to throw that one in for you
7. that we and all of our friends and family will survive this rough economy
8. that Obama hadn't been elected president
8 people I tag
Whoever wants to participate in this is tagged.