Monday, January 26, 2009

Rub a dub dub...

This is my girls favorite thing to do every morning!  I took the picture a little late, because the bubbles were about a foot high when they started.  If it doesn't have a gazillion bubbles then it just doesn't count as a bubble bath!  They used to take an hour long shower every morning until we got the gas bill and it was $400.  I think we were using our hot water a little too much, so we had to switch to baths but they were more than happy to as long as it involves bubbles.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Nachooooooooooo LiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBre

We have not formally introduced our new little gift from Santa.  This is Nacho.  He is a chihuahua.  Tiny but Mighty!!  As you can see, Tucker is very proud of him.  Tucker loves to have him sleep in his room with him every night.  Which is way okay with me because I don't have to get up with him.  Tucker loves it.  Another boy in the house.  He is super protective of Nacho too, which he has to be because Stella just loves to carry him around all day and Zoe loves to hold him and tell him "NO Nacho!"  all day long.
Nacho says Hola!!

My Ski Bunny

A great day had in the clear blue skies.  This is our youngest skier, Stella!  She is awesome.  This is her 3rd season and she is all over the hill.  She loves it and always asks when we are going skiing again.  I don't make it up there much since Zoe isn't quite old enough yet, so now all my kids can ski faster than me!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Eve

I know what resolution Zoe will have this year.  No more binky!!!!!
Zoe and Liv chilling out.  Their future's so bright, they gotta wear shades.  Liv is holding our new little Nacho!
Of course what would a party be without a chocolate fountain!

Zoe and Hallie did not make it to midnight, but here are some that did!!  Thank you Katie & Troy for hosting!  Oh, and Troy, I triple dog dare you to eat another mushroom!!  Ha ha..