At the time of this shaky economy I am so thankful that Jed has steady employment with the fire dept. We don't have to worry if he will still have his job in a week. Although his granite business has seen a sharp decline I am grateful that we are given this opportunity to pause and realign our needs and wants. We can establish a budget and live up to the challenge of keeping within it. My testimony has grown with this trial. I know that this is a blessing in our life. Heavenly Father still knows us and loves us and is still showering us with blessings. It has made my testimony of tithing grow.
I am so thankful for the Gospel in my life. I am thankful for a true living prophet in these latter days. The times are so uncertain and scary, but we have a prophet to look to for guidance and to have peace in knowing that what we are doing is right. I am grateful for the tools the apostles give us to stay strong and steadfast. I know that if we continue to do what we are asked, then we will stay strong and our children won't stray far. I am so extremely grateful for that blessing. I love the temple. I love the peace you feel there. I love leaving the outside world for a bit so that I can feel that calmness, and receive personal revelation. I only wish that I could attend more often.
I am thankful for all of our extended family. We have the blessing of having everyone live close by. I love that my children can have such a close relationship with their grandparents. I feel so blessed that they have them as examples and to learn from, as well as their aunts, uncles, and cousins. I am also thankful for the wonderful friends in my life. They are great examples to me and are always there to lend me a shoulder to lean on if need be.
Yes, I am truly blessed. I am thankful for this time to pause and give thanks. I know I need to do it more often. Thank you to all who read this.
We are so grateful that Jed found you! Thank you for sharing your deep feelings and testimony. We are thankful for your family and the gospel also. Family is the best and the sweetest of all.
Hey - so is there a job opening at the Fire Dept for John? Ha! You know our situation with the economy. Hence the reason John is in Las Vegas working. I am so glad you guys are doing okay and I loved your insight about being thankful. Also, about the book - I don't have a copy. I checked it out at the library but it is an amazing read. Extremely informational and in lamans terms. So it makes for an easy read.
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