Sunday, November 8, 2009

Happy 12th Birthday Tucker!

On August 8th, 2009 our oldest child turned twelve years old. Happy Birthday Tucker!! This was a super special birthday for him. Tucker was ordained a deacon in our church and received the aaronic priesthood by his father. He is such a wonderful young man. It is amazing to watch him honor his priesthood and see his testimony grow.
All the family came to celebrate on his special day. We ate pizza and strawberry pie as requested by Tucker!! The kids all swam and played!
We got Tucker a backpack for all of his future scout camping trips and backpacking adventures now that he is a Boy Scout!!
Blowing out the candles on his strawberry pie!!
We always take a picture of the cake, or in this case, the pie!!!!
10 Things I Love About Tucker
1. His kind spirit
2. His desire to do what is right
3. His crazy full head of hair
4. His love for reading
5. His willingness to be helpful
6. His love for all knick knacks and gadgets
7. His respectfulness
8. His obedience
9. His big brown eyes
10. The fact that he still wants to hold my hand



James and Jessi McCalvy said...

11. His MAD! unicycle skills!
12. He is incredible smart.
13. The awesome big brother of 4 little smart-aleks.
14. Favorite oldest nephew of U.James & A.Jessi!

Bookworm Breann said...

Hey Simpsons-- you all look great. Happy Birthday to Tucker and we hope everything else is going well for your family. We miss Star!
The Hunt Family