Monday, November 9, 2009

Backpacking at Hidden Lake 2009

Super fun backpacking trip into Hidden Lake. We hiked started our hike in the waning light of later afternoon. Uncle Kurt and his Tyler were with us. It was a grand adventure! The light faded faster than we expected. It got so dark that we had to use flashlights, so when we arived at a campsite on the shore of Lost Lake, we decided to make our first nights camp there.

Tired from the late hike in, sleep came easy that night.

In the morning we found that Lost Lake is more of a Lost Marsh. Thick lillypads, and grass made it impossible to get a line out to fish in this shallow small lake. We broke camp early & headed on down to Hidden Lake.

Arriving at Hidden Lake
Big rocks must be jumped off of. Way to go Hannah!

Hannah, trying to help Opa retrieve a stuck fishing lure.
Dinner included the days catch of Trout. Yum!

Opa, Neil and Carter arrived the second day.
Kurt and Opa really helped us on our way out. They were staying another night, but they were super and carried kid's packs and sometimes the kids, up the steepest part of the climb out of Hidden Lake. Thank you Opa and Kurt. We got to see Jessie, James, and McKayla on their way in. Sad to not have enjoyed more time with them, but it was nice to get to leave my tent for them to use. My pack was that much lighter on the way out. Thank you Jessie & James.

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