Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend 2009

Easter Weekend
We kicked off Easter weekend at Oma and Opa's house with a barbecue and an exciting egg hunt!  Here are all the grandkids with Opa showing off their Easter spoils.  They all made a haul as usual.  Even little Zoe with her broken leg was able to crawl around and get some candy. 
Then we came home and colored our own eggs for a hunt on Easter morning at our house.  The kids colored 48 eggs!!  
The girls are creating masterpieces with some chalk that the Easter Bunny brought them.  We have a tradition of a no candy Easter at our house.  We figure they get enough at the grandparents hunts.   The kids hunt for eggs filled with coins and coupons for various fun things such as a trip to the zoo, a free room cleaning, or a date with mom or dad, etc.  in them.  This has been a hit our house.  
The kids are sorting out their eggs at yet another hunt at my sister Katie's house.  This one was sponsored by Grandma and Grandpa Shaw.  We also had a yummy Easter Dinner together.  Everyone from the fam was there including our cousins, the Muirs.
We are a tradition oriented family and here is another favorite tradition of decorating an angel food cake with every imaginable Easter candy there is,  yes of course, Peeps too!!  It seems as though no one ever ends up eating this  though.   Good thing there were lots of other desserts to choose from!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I love your no candy tradition. I think I will have to adopt that one.