Monday, January 26, 2009

Rub a dub dub...

This is my girls favorite thing to do every morning!  I took the picture a little late, because the bubbles were about a foot high when they started.  If it doesn't have a gazillion bubbles then it just doesn't count as a bubble bath!  They used to take an hour long shower every morning until we got the gas bill and it was $400.  I think we were using our hot water a little too much, so we had to switch to baths but they were more than happy to as long as it involves bubbles.


Jessica said...

Your girls are so cute.
Robert's parents have a 2 person jet tub that my kids love to "swim" in.

kalani said...

I love your tub. The girls look so cute in it too.

Jill Baird said...

I love bubble baths too. Add a candle and a cup of cocoa and you've got one of my favorite retreats!

Peter and Julia said...

Yikes $400!! Wow... I'm glad they like going in the tub instead:)

Brittany Cooper said...

$400! i thought our 166 was bad! thank heaven for bubbles....we missed you this mornin!

Erik & Marcie +3 said...

Oh my heck, $400 gas bill!? Yikes! Baths are more fun anyway. Looks like they love it.