Wednesday, July 8, 2009

FAB Five Update

My friend Jessica surprised me yesterday with my fab five gift. She made me the most stinkin' cute advent calendar. I have been coveting hers for awhile now but just too uncreative to make my own. I was so super excited when I opened it. She is an amazingly talented and creative person and I feel so blessed to have her in my life. Thank you so much Jessica, I will treasure it always knowing you made it for me. So is there a rule against counting down the month of July with it? I don't want to put it away in my decorations, I am ready to hang it up!! To those of you who are my fab five's, don't worry I haven't completely forgotten about you, one day I will surprise you.


Kim Davis said...

Love it. Love it. Love it. Jessica is seriously amazing isn't she?

Jessica said...

I am so glad yo ulike it. I hope your family gets as much fun out of it as mine does.