Wednesday, July 8, 2009

FAB Five Update

My friend Jessica surprised me yesterday with my fab five gift. She made me the most stinkin' cute advent calendar. I have been coveting hers for awhile now but just too uncreative to make my own. I was so super excited when I opened it. She is an amazingly talented and creative person and I feel so blessed to have her in my life. Thank you so much Jessica, I will treasure it always knowing you made it for me. So is there a rule against counting down the month of July with it? I don't want to put it away in my decorations, I am ready to hang it up!! To those of you who are my fab five's, don't worry I haven't completely forgotten about you, one day I will surprise you.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

June is over already?

Here are some of our happenings from June. We took a day trip to the Bruneau Sand Dunes and had a blast. We took Nacho and he ran and dug all over the place. We ate our lunch on top of the sand dune and learned the true meaning of "sand"wiches! We had contests to see who could jump the farthest down the dune and then we saw lightening and heard really loud thunder so decided to play it safe and head down to the car. A good time was had by all.
Every June we head on down to the Eagle Fun Days Parade. It was super fun. We always sit in front of Opa's dental office and this year we had a barbecue while we waited for the parade to come. This parade is different though because about halfway through there is a wet zone. Those who don't want to get soaked have to move back about 50 yards to watch. Then the water fight begins!! It starts with the fire trucks and everyone gets soaked. Tucker is not missing out on the action. He got soaked!!
Jed, Hannah, and Zoe all enjoying the dry zone. This year wasn't that warm either.
Our crazy and beautiful kids just hanging out in the front yard enjoying summer.
We love to live at the lake. Every spare moment we have is enjoyed on the water. Hallie and Stella are taking a potty break while they wait for the next boarder to get ready. I didn't have my camera when they each surfed with Jed so no proof, but Hallie didn't love it, and Stella was grinning from ear to ear and was in the surfer stance and loving it.